This is the Tips page for Perudo.
For the rules of Perudo, see GameHelpdudo
- Note how many dice are in play at the start of each round, since you'll be making guesses based on all the dice on the table.
- Try to:
- Guess the truth or
- Bluff and lure other players into losing a die!
- With few dice remaining, bluffing becomes more critical.
- Watch out - Pacos don't count for anything in Palifico rounds (unless Pacos are bid of course)!
- Only call calza when you are sure about it!
- Calling Dudo is usually a better option.
Lost dice are visible
- Use the lost dice are visible option to make the game easier.
- No need to memorise how many dice are still in the game.
- Helps to inform how high one can reasonably bid.
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